This is the dress in my store that I want for Christmas more than ANYTHING else. (It doesn't fit.) And I realize, I probably shot a little high on the price... but I still want it, and can't quite bring myself to let it fly out the door. In any case, the whole thing made me think of a little holiday game.
I have picked a secret item from my shop as the "magic item." Browse my store, and pick out what YOU would want for Christmas! Leave a comment on my blog or a tweet through twitter phrased this way (EXAMPLE) "All I want for Christmas is your Gilda Gown Dress." The first person to pick my magic item will win a fabulous little Vintage Gift Package - a 1950's handbag stuffed with goodies: a bakelite bangle, a pair of fabulous rhinestone earrings, TWO fantabulous scarves - AND - even though they don't "go" at all - cute vintage Christmas cards to decorate your home! If more than one person chooses the "magic item" as their Christmas wish, they will also get a small vintage goody - maybe a pair of gloves, or Vera napkins, something!
The more people who participate, the more excited I'll get. I won't limit myself to sending you ONLY what is listed, you never know treats what you could get in your stocking!
This giveaway will run until MIDNIGHT Friday the 18th (tomorrow) or until someone picks the magic item, whichever takes longer! The winner will be announced here and on Twitter first thing Saturday morning. Good luck and happy window-shopping!
**Free hint! The Secret Item is NOT my Gilda dress!***
One item per person unless the item isn't guessed by midnight tomorrow! Then, I will let everyone know they can take a second and third chance. GOOD LUCK!